Students Feedback awards 2018
“Success is its own reward,” runs the old saying; to which you might well reply with another well-known proverb, “Yes, but praise where praise is due.” So it is at Country Cousins Ltd., where excellence is much appreciated. There are many pillars of the Country Cousins magic formula. Not least the host families, who provide the perfect environment for improving our students’ English.
Apart from the financial boost to their household budgets, many families simply welcome an opportunity to enrich both their own lives as well as those of the students by opening up their homes to vibrant, intelligent young people from around the world. Nevertheless, this year’s feedback, the response of these bright young people, was so positive it was felt that Country Cousins Ltd needed to go that one step further to show its and the students’ gratitude.
This is how the Host Family Awards, or more technically the “Student Feedback Awards,” came about. These were staged at the school itself. At the convivial and well-attended ceremony the familiar formula, or something very much like it, was pronounced. And this year the nominations for “best breakfast are…,” the nominations for “best family atmosphere are…,” “for friendliest siblings,” “for most fun family” and so on.
All in all there were 14 different awards up for grabs with approximately 40 families nominated.
And the winners were: the Jeffreys for the “most comfortable bed,” the Broome family for “best lunch,” the Duncombes for “Sunday Family Day,” to mention just a few of the winning 14 families. In a similar fashion awards were presented for “part of the family,” and not forgetting modern media, for “most helpful on Facebook,” etc.
But whilst celebrating the achievements of the most memorable, we were reminded not to forget all the host families past and present for their individual contributions to the organisation as a whole.
It may be that that the part they play is one cog in the well-honed mechanism, but it is one that is certainly indispensable.